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The 10th anniversary symposium of Medwatcher Japan"Distorted Drug Evaluation" June 8, 2008 (Guest speakers: Peter Lurie, Christophe Kopp)


The 10th anniversary symposium of Medwatcher Japan"Distorted Drug Evaluation"   June 8, 2008 (Guest speakers: Peter Lurie, Christophe Kopp)

The 10th anniversary symposium of Medwatcher Japan

        Distorted Drug Evaluation
 - Whistle Blowing in the Poweful Government-Industrial-Academic Complex -

Date June 8, 2008 1pm-5pm
Place BELLESALLE KUDAN event hall

** First section: Problems of conflicts of interest
           - Reports from US, EU and Japan **
- Peter Lurie (US)
  (Public Citizen, the Health Research Group, Deputy Director)
- Christophe Kopp (EU)
  (Prescrire International, Chief Editor)
- Masumi Minaguchi
  (Yakugai Ombudsman "Medwatcher Japan", Secretary General)

** Second section: Panel discussion
        - Problems of conflicts of interest

         the prevention of "Yakugai" (drug-induced disaster) **
- Toshihiro Suzuki (Chairperson of "Medwatcher Japan")
- Hirokuni Beppu (Chairperson of "The Informed Prescriber(TIP)")

      - Contents (English version) -


Profile of symposiasts

Materials for the lectures

 the report from US Peter Lurie
   - slides for the lecture (Powerpoint)
   - summary of the lecture
   - about Public Citizen

 the report from EU Christophe Kopp
   - slides for the lecture (Powerpoint)
   - summary of the lecture
   - about Prescrire International
   - The "Non Merci..." Charter 2008

 the report from Japan Masumi Minaguchi
   - slides for the lecture (Powerpoint)
   - summary of the lecture
   - about Medwatcher Japan


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